I am  a London based documentary director and cinematographer. My films explore the boundaries of the documentary form, and I’m particularly interested in the hallucinogenic and the uncanny.

I am a graduate of the Documentary course at the National Film and Television School.

Documentary // Commercial

Five Scenes From The War in Afghanistan as They Appear in East Sussex (2021)

Nominated IDFA Best Short Doc 2021
Official Selection Sheffield Doc Fest 2022

The War in Afghanistan has come to an end and its most tangible legacy for soldiers and civilians alike is its destruction.

Clement Boland is one such victim. The film attempts to convey Boland’s subjective experience of the strangeness of conflict, and the way his damaged imagination imposes a fragmented chronology onto the idyllic landscape of his native Sussex.

Director / Cinematographer—Frank Eli Martin      
Editor—Jack Cotter              
Composer—Jean-Marc Eck
Sound Designe—Jean-Marc Eck and Marios Themistokleous
Colourist—Vlad Barin
